If you’re wondering which Pokemon cards are truly the most valuable (because you want to either buy or sell them), you’re in the right place. Why? Well, those cards are quite legendary, and with that comes high value and the possibility to make tons of money. Nevertheless, what the old and the new Pokemon fans all agree on is that those who have rare gold cards are truly lucky. But, Pokemon still has fans, even with the new (and rather changed) seasons and episodes, including the new and improved Pokemon. The new generation of Pokemon fans unfortunately hasn’t been a part of that nostalgic journey through the first few seasons of Poekom that happened almost 20 years ago. Pokemon is one of those things we all grew up with and nowadays revisit because of the huge demand for rare, vintage cards. The Gold Star Holo was sold in mint or perfect condition for 40,000 USD, alongside the Umbreon Gold Star Holo card which was sold for 70,000 USD at an online auction. Other Pokemon Gold cards, including the Gold Star Holo edition, can be sold for several thousand dollars.

The cards can be even more expensive if the demand and marketplace change, which it definitely does. Collectors can buy Espeon or Umbreon cards individually, but when sold together, the price can go as high as 30,000 USD.

Quick answer: The rarest, most valuable Pokemon Gold cards come from the Gold Star Espeon and Umbreon Series 5 Pokemon card sets, as well as the Gold Star Holo card edition.